Texas FNP Programs

We found 19 Family Nurse Practitioner Programs in Texas. There are multiple universities that have campuses within the state AND an Online FNP program that accepts Texas residents.

Despite its booming economy, Texas has both the largest number and highest percentage of uninsured residents under age 65 in the country. It also ranks 47th in the number of primary care doctors per capita.

This means the state has a high demand for primary care providers. At the national level, we are witnessing a push for nurse practitioners to gain more autonomy and fill the void left by a shortage of primary care doctors. As a result, the country as a whole is seeing an increase in the number of nurse practitioner positions available. Thus, it comes as no surprise that Texas is among the states opening up many new nurse practitioner positions.

School Level Program Admissions
Georgetown University Master Online Master's in Nursing
Nursing@Georgetown delivers Georgetown University’s MS in Nursing program online, preparing RNs with a BSN to pursue certification in an APRN specialty: AG-ACNP, FNP, NM/WHNP, or WHNP.
Utica University Master Online MS - Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP)
Prepare for Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) certification through the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) or the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners National Certification Board (AANP).
Simmons University Master Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) - Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) program
Scholarships are available for the online Family Nurse Practitioner program at Simmons University.
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Click to view 100% online FNP programs that are taking applications for 2025.

Texas is home to a number of high-ranking degree programs in the field of health. For those looking to pursue a Master of Science in Nursing or a Post Master Certification to become Family Nurse Practitioners, Texas offers a multitude of options. Many of them are also much more affordable than their counterparts in other states.

What Are The FNP Requirements in Texas

Those who would like to practice as Family Nurse Practitioners in Texas can do so by becoming certified as Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs).

To become certified as an APRN, aspiring FNPs should fulfill the requirements outlined by the Texas Board of Nursing which include:

  • An FNP graduate degree from an institution that makes one eligible to sit for a certification examination
  • Certification through one of the state's approved credentialing organizations
  • Both a Registered Nurse (RN) license and an APRN license/Certificate of Authority, both of which need to be endorsed in the state of Texas

It should be noted that FNPs do not have the inherent capacity to prescribe medications in the state of Texas. As state law is constantly evolving in its interpretation and designation, it is highly recommended that any questions be referred to the Ohio Board of Nursing.

The Texas Board of Nursing is responsible for school approval, enforcement of the Nursing Practice Act and Rules of Regulation, and information regarding developing news in the state.

Campus and Online Programs Available in Texas

Angelo State University (ASU)

ASU's School of Nursing offers two online tracks for those who wish to become Family Nurse Practitioners through the Blackboard online class system.

The first is a 25 credit hour certificate program for nurses who seek expertise in an advanced practice role. The second is a 49 credit hour Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) with a specialization in FNP that is intended for Texas residents who have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and hold an unencumbered registered nurse license in the state of Texas.

Both tracks have a heavy theoretical and practical emphasis on family primary care. Though this program does not require much onsite presence, it is expected that clinical rotations are to be completed in Texas.

Texas Tech University (TTU)

TTU's Health Sciences Center aims to provide the education you need for an advanced nursing career in clinical practice.

It offers two online tracks for those seeking to become Family Nurse Practitioners. Though minimal, both tracks require limited travel to the Lubbock campus for skills labs. The first is a 30 credit hour track housed under the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (ARPN) program.

It is geared toward registered nurses who have already obtained a Master of Science in Nursing and wish to become primary care providers.

The other allows students to assume the role of Family Nurse Practitioner through the pursuit of a 48 credit hour Master of Science in Nursing degree. Graduates of TTU's FNP programs are eligible to sit for the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Family Nurse Practitioner and American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Exams.

TTU uses its minimum B average GPA requirement as its base criterion for admission but emphasizes its holistic approach and consideration of non-academic criteria. Prospective applicants should also possess an unencumbered registered nurse license in order to apply.

University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB)

UTMB is committed to making sure that distance is not a barrier to becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner. It is open to Texas residents and non-residents alike and only requires students to visit campus for the orientation and two to three days each semester.

At UTMB, students are offered a range of courses by way of the university's highly interdisciplinary Master of Science in Nursing program: Theoretical and Research Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Public Policy, and Nurse Practitioner Business and Roles.

The program is conducted over the course of seven semesters and costs $20,876 excluding book fees.

Prospective students must have obtained a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, possess a registered nurse license in the state in which they anticipate carrying out their clinical learning experiences, have worked at least one year as a registered nurse, and have held a cumulative 3.0 GPA at a minimum in their previous coursework.

This is a great program for those looking for leadership immersion, real-world application, patient care outcomes, faculty expertise, and a classroom feel all while learning in the comfort of home.

MSN-FNP vs. MSN-Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner in Texas

Two different types of NPs that many prospective nursing practitioners consider are FNPs and Adult Gerontology NPs. FNPs are generally interested in patient populations and their needs and treat patients throughout their lifespan.

School Level Program Admissions
St. John Fisher University Master Master of Science in Nursing
4 program options: PCFNP, PMHNP, AGACNP, AGPCNP. Part-time and accelerated tracks available. The Wegmans School of Nursing is ranked among the top 100 nursing schools nationally, and is No. 6 in New York state.
George Mason University Master Online MSN - Family Nurse Practitioner
CCNE Accredited. Prepare to sit for exams from the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) and the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP).
Campbellsville University Master Online MSN with FNP Track
Discover how to contribute to excellence in healthcare and provide quality, evidence-based and holistic primary care to diverse communities throughout the lifespan.
Sacred Heart University Master Online MSN - Family Nurse Practitioner
GRE/GMAT Not Required.
Seton Hall University Master Online MSN - Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner - Acute Care
CCNE-accredited program, 100% AANPCB exam pass rates for primary care graduates over the past five years.
Seton Hall University Master Online MSN - Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Graduate prepared to sit for ANCC's Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing board certification.
Seton Hall University Master Online MSN - Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner - Primary Care
CCNE-accredited program, Primary and Acute tracks.
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FNP Programs in Texas

View all programs in Texas below.
School Program Accreditation Location
Abilene Christian University Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN) NA Abilene
Abilene Christian University Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) NA Abilene
Angelo State University Master of Science in Nursing CCNE San Angelo
Hardin-Simmons University MSN- Family Nurse Practitioner CCNE Abilene
Hardin-Simmons University Post-Master's Certificate-FNP CCNE Abilene
McMurry University MSN Family Nurse Practitioner CCNE Abilene
Midwestern State University MSN Family Nurse Practitioner CCNE Wichita Falls
Our Lady of the Lake University Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) NA San Antonio
Prairie View A & M University Master of Science (MSN) Family Nurse Practitioner ACEN Prairie View
Texas A & M International University M.S.N.-Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) ACEN Laredo
Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi Master of Science in Nursing CCNE Corpus Christi
Texas Christian University Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) Adult-Gerontology CCNE Fort Worth
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center MSN Family Nurse Practitioner CCNE Lubbock
Texas Woman's University MS Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) CCNE Denton
The University of Texas at Arlington Family Nurse Practitioner MSN CCNE Arlington
The University of Texas at Austin MSN Family Nurse Practitioner CCNE Austin
The University of Texas at El Paso M.S.N.-Nurse Practitioner CCNE El Paso
The University of Texas at Tyler MSN Family Nurse Practitioner CCNE Tyler
The University of Texas at Tyler MSN / MBA Dual Degree CCNE Tyler
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston MSN Family Nurse Practitioner CCNE Houston
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio MSN Family Nurse Practitioner CCNE San Antonio
The University of Texas Medical Branch MSN Family Nurse Practitioner CCNE Galveston
The University of Texas-Pan American MSN Family Nurse Practitioner CCNE Edinburg
University of Houston-Victoria Master of Science in Nursing NA Victoria
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Master of Science in Nursing CCNE Belton
Wayland Baptist University Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.) ACEN Plainview
West Texas A & M University Nursing - Practitioner (M.S.N.) CCNE Canyon
West Texas A & M University Nursing M.S.N. CCNE Canyon

In contrast, Adult Gerontology NPs are perhaps more similar to PAs in that they are more concerned with diseases including their prevention, impact, and treatment. Moreover, as the name implies, they work exclusively with adults, and while this often includes adolescents, it does not include children nor childbearing women.

To this effect, it can be generalized that FNPs are more comprehensive in whom they deliver care to, tending to patients’ imperative needs that span beyond medicine, while Adult Gerontologists are concerned with end-of-life patients and etiology.